God is With Us!

As I listen to all the fireworks, I can’t help but wonder what the celebration is about. A New Year has arrived and the Old year is a thing of the past. 2020 introduced various storms and many valleys. With these storms, some have experienced fear, doubt, defeat, and discouragement. However, if we were to stop and think about all …

I Will Defend this City

The adversary was great, strong in numbers as well as in strength. They were well trained and prepared. This adversary had conquered and plundered the nations that stood in their way. They were an undefeated army. However, their greatest battle was just ahead. It would not come from a larger army or an army so well trained that fear would …

Faith Over Fear

Today many are concerned about the outcome of this important election. Needless to say, we need to be concerned. Yet our concern must not be driven by the spirit of fear. Fear is not of God and we must place our trust in the Creator of heaven and earth. He holds all things in His hand. When faith exist over …